Friday 20 July 2012

Putting it down...again

Just like the blog description says:
' just have to put it down in words'

That's the only real point to this blog. It isn't the first time I've entered the world of blogging either, so this isn't my first rodeo. But hopefully, I'll last longer than last time in a cyberspace of my own where you can feel very much heard and very much alone.

It's going to be a place where I share thoughts, feelings, moments, events, memories and all manner of other things that to some people will be interesting, thought-provoking, funny, sad, right, wrong, worthwhile and worthless. To others...well, you know where you can go right? Nobody's making you read any of it.

To all of any of you...enjoy what you read or at least feel passionate about what you read to go and do something about it.


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