Friday 20 July 2012

The Dark Knight Ends - Thoughts on the newest Batman movie

There are next to zero spoilers at all in this blog don't be alarmed if you haven't seen the film.

So, it's all over. In a film trilogy that sought to re-invent, re-establish and re-define the on-screen legacy of one of the most prolific superheroes of all time, Christopher Nolan did a damn good job in his third outing: The Dark Knight Rises.

For the casual fan, it's all here: action, drama, excitement, romance, subtle comedy. It will be hard to walk away from the cinema and not acknowledge that it's a bit of a great film all round, regardless of your allegiance to the Caped Crusader.

For the hardcore, more experienced fan (especially of Nolan's other two forays in Gotham City), this should have you salivating. Bane is as fantastic an interpretation as there will be of the character (played, as expected, to near-perfection by the "on-fire" Tom Hardy). Selina Kyle has the cheeky, comic book/cartoonish edge to her character that was sorely-needed (whilst retaining the other, more serious and conflicted character). John Blake is a great addition, with Joseph Gordon Levitt really stepping it up a notch to introduce the audience to a character full of depth and potential, with a worldly awareness and unrivalled optimism. Bruce Wayne and Batman are toyed with throughout and the dichotemy of who 'rules' who and their roles within the film are one of the more interesting points of the film. The show of inner strength, belief and human spirit is an age-old favourite to exploit, especially for a character like this...but guess what? It works. And why fix something that works? If anything, it's been further explored and tweaked.

All the little moments and plot-teasers/twists/turns that are exclusive to the bigger Batman mythology are great for your average film fan but for a Batman fan (like myself), I have to say, I was very, very happy with them. There was a subtlety and finesse incorporated by Christopher Nolan to the maximum effect, paying off when it needed to. The final half-hour of the film for example is literally just one thing after another. Talk about a geek-out.

You'll notice that though this is quite a lengthy blog, it's not necessarily a review or full of spoilers. I've purposefully done this so that in the event that there is a film fan or a Batman fan reading this before seeing the movie, it serves only to hopefully excite and ignite the imagination, rather than to reveal and potentially spoil the film-going experience. I know that I benefitted from not knowing any of the major reveals or plot points and I'd hope that you fare likewise.

So I guess the question now is simple: where to from here?
Well you'll have to see the film, judge for yourself and come up with numerous scenarios of what could be done. Will there be a continuation in this particular universe? Will there be an ever-recurring series reboot? Will the next incarnation of Batman being more 'traditional' or will the modern, realistic and gritty Batman be what an audience likes from their films about the Dark Knight? Will Christopher Nolan resurrect the series or will another director take on the workload of delivering Batman to millions of hungry, adoring fans?

That will all get answered in time. For now...just go and get a ticket (food and drink is optional), and go to a cinema to watch The Dark Knight Rises.

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