Saturday, 21 July 2012

The greatest question of them all

Over time, and since I've been someone who enjoys 'philosophical thought', I've often said that of all of the questions that can ever be asked, there is only one real true winner at the top of the mountain: why?

The why is the motive, the reasoning, the justification for the event, the action, the state of being. Sure, it's integral to know the how, the when, the where, the who and the what. They all play their part in contstructing any scenario and help to give us depth and understanding to the given situation. But the why is the icing on the cake. It is the foundation of what is really going on.

For a Saturday afternoon, this may seem a bit deep, maybe a bit much, but it was something that I just had to get out of my head and down in this blog.

After the tradegy of yesterday's shootings by a lone gunman, James Holmes, at a cinema complex in Aurora, Colorado, why is even more of a prominent entity. As of right now, all the above questions have been answered. The world knows how the shootings were carried out, when they took place, where they were located, who fired the weapon and who the victims were and what the consequences have been. But that vital question of why still remains unanswered. This is just an example of what I'm talking about. By finding out the reason behind apparent senseless violence and madness, it could potentially unlock all manner of other things.

In part, this post is supposed to be a thought-provoking piece, to get those who are reading it to start thinking outside the box. I would also like to take this small chunk of Internet (as I did on Twitter) to express condolences to everybody affected by the horrific attacks in America yesterday. Whether anybody reads it or not, the thoughts are still being put out there.

Hopefully the next blog will be something a little more cheery...but I can't guarantee anything.

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